Kelowna, BC 250-763-5599

Boat Rentals

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Regal LS4

Regal LS4

Regal LS4 regal_ls4surf_030419
Regal LS4 Regal-LS4-carene-FasTrac-1024x683-1 Regal LS4 regal back Regal LS4 regal seating Regal LS4 regal front Regal LS4 regal stearing
Regal logo

The Regal LS4 is best described as “athletic.” Imagine a boat that is designed to provide explosive hole-shots, easy and extended zooming, and the tight, high-speed turns boarders and skiers want, all while being comfortable with an elevated design. The Regal's game-changing, patented contribution to safety, convenience, and accessibility makes boarding easy. The interior-seating configuration combines an oversized, edge-to-edge reimagined cockpit layout with additional storage and amazing on-water performance that has become synonymous with Regal.


Length:24 ft
Tower w/Shade:Yes
Tower Speakers:


Engine:Volvo V8 300 G5 DP CAT - 300hp

Note: Actual boat and specs may vary from pictures.

Per Hour
  • 1HR (8-10AM)
  • 1HR
  • 2HRS
  • 4HRS
  • 8HRS
Per Day
  • 3-6 Days
  • 7+ Days